Healthy is the new Rich

It started almost 20 years ago. Every November I would get a cold that would turn into chronic bronchitis.  I would miss work and that would have an impact on my paycheck. It would go down.

I learned something while being sick and tired of being sick and tired every winter or when my chronic bronchitis would visit, and that is, profits are better than wages. Wages will make you a living and that's fine. Profits will make you a fortune and that's super fine. You can live both "Fine" and "SuperFine" at the same time. Blew my mind.

Being sick and tired all winter really sucks. Some of you know that I am a sand addict. I like cruising and riding in the sand dunes. The best time to do that is during the winter when the temps are down. I felt poor.

Back in the late '90's, I was introduced to a science based, products based, business opportunity. The company manufactures nutritional and personal care items, has a weight management program and a cleaner, smarter, stronger energy drink. Back then, I was hesitant and sceptical.

Today as of late, I am leaner and stronger. When I work out, I can work out longer and harder with a shorter recovery time. Hey, that's me. I am no gym rat. I like to err on the healthier side.

I have educated myself about nutritional supplements and the foods we eat. I suggest, read labels. They are there for a reason and not decoration. Not all nutritional supplements are created equal. Did you know, 70 percent of the retail cost of most all vitamins and supplements you find at the local grocery store or health food store, that 70 percent is just to get it there on the shelf. That leaves 30 percent for research, development and manufacturing, including packaging. Example: A bottle of multi-vitamins cost $10. It took $7 to just get it to the shelf. That leaves $3 for research, development and manufacturing... My strong suggestion? Buy your multi-vitamins or letter vitamins directly from a reputable science based manufacturer.

I am not here to cure the world. I am here to minimize the pain. If you are healthy, its a whole lot easier to become wealthy.

Healthy is the new Rich!
